The signal isn't the first company to criticize Facebook. The corporation has previously taken to Twitter to criticize Facebook's privacy policies.
After displaying advertisements that highlighted Facebook's ad-targeting activities, Facebook removed Signal's advertisement account from its website earlier this week.
The California-based chat service used Instagram to run a series of multi-variate ads showing how the world's largest social network captures and accesses customer data through tailored advertising. “You got this ad because you're an open partnership certified public accountant. Your position was used in this ad to determine that you are in South Atlanta. One ad read, "You're into natural skincare and have been a fan of Cardi B since the beginning."
Signal's promotional account was promptly suspended by Facebook. Signal said in a tweet that being frank on how advertisers manipulate people's data is obviously enough to have you banned; in Facebook's culture, the only suitable usage is to mask what you're doing from your viewers.
Facebook has been silent on the matter.
Following Facebook-owned WhatsApp's infamous privacy upgrade earlier this year, messaging app Signal gained momentum. According to data from app analytics company App Annie, Signal was the fastest-growing app globally last month due to its emphasis on privacy and encryption.
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SOURCE: thehindu.com