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With so much access available on the Internet today, the concept of a full-service stockbroker when investing seems like a nostalgic luxury to most people. In addition, many brokerages are scaling back their services to streamline costs, providing personal service only to accounts worth more than set amounts of money, usually $50,000 or more. As a result, many average investors today deal with online accounts and performing their own research electronically.
A full stockbroker involves a moomoo licensed financial adviser and broker who performs trades for investors on public markets. However, trades are not the only thing such and advisor provides as a service. His assistance also includes professional advice, research, proactive searching of new investments that fit an investor's goals, and aggressively managing an account to meet the investor's targets. The amount of control a broker has depends on what the investor agrees to. Some brokers have complete trade control over their clients' accounts while others can only advise and suggest, making trades only with the client's approval each time.
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