A new virus known as WhatsApp Pink is spreading across WhatsApp communities. It poses as an APK file, promising to download and install a Pink-colored WhatsApp on the victim's computer.

(Image: Pixabay/ HeikoAL)
Several WhatsApp users have confirmed seeing the WhatsApp Pink post and even forwarded it.
Instead of the standard Green edition of WhatsApp, the message claims to download a Pink version.
If the key is clicked, the hacker will have full access to the victim's computer.
A new computer virus is spreading among WhatsApp users, with the ability to wipe out all data on the computers it infects. The virus is being spread as WhatsApp Pink, a modified version of the famous chat app.
This isn't the first time that threat groups have used WhatsApp for such sinister purposes. This latest malware, on the other hand, has the potential to render the user absolutely powerless over his or her computer and its contents.
A cybersecurity researcher recently discovered the malware and shared it on Twitter. The virus could grant a hacker full access to a phone on which the virus has established itself, according to the specialist.
Under the moniker "WhatsApp Pink," the deadly computer virus is spreading. Here's what you need to remember.
What is WhatsApp Pink?
WhatsApp Pink is a malicious programming application that aims to take control of the device it is installed on. The name of the virus comes from the pseudonym it uses to spread through WhatsApp communities. The virus is contained in a carefully crafted message that promises to install a Pink-themed WhatsApp on the user's phone if they select a connection.
Shots of chats from a pink-colored WhatsApp are also included in the post. The photographs, of course, are just as phony as the stories.
A connection to an APK update is also included in the malicious post. To download the Pink-themed WhatsApp, users must first click on the icon. Any user who clicks on the connection is taken to an APK download page.
This downloaded file is really a virus that has been disguised. Users are unaware that they are being duped into installing malware because they are ready to launch the WhatsApp kit. As a result, they readily grant the permissions that the kit requests on their mobile.
According to cybersecurity expert Rajshekhar Rajaharia's tweet, the downloaded virus then has full control over the system, putting data at risk or allowing dangerous perpetrators to hijack it.
How do you protect yourself from being a survivor of WhatsApp Pink?

(Image: Twitter/ Rajshekhar Rajaharia)
Several WhatsApp users have confirmed getting such a connection on their phones, with many of them forwarding it without realizing what it was about. Sharing such unverified information is a significant contributor to WhatsApp users' problems.
Threat actors take advantage of this because they realize how quickly misinformation spreads in WhatsApp communities. They actually mask their malware or virus in a seductive format, and people start downloading or sharing it without realizing what it is.
People should be on the lookout for any false messages or connections exchanged on WhatsApp as they become more aware of how those scams work.
The simplest and most important safety tip you should use at this point is to avoid clicking on any unverified or suspicious links. Any third-party connection that takes you away from WhatsApp should be double-checked and only clicked if the source is deemed reliable.
WhatsApp users are also advised to adhere to the official alerts released by WhatsApp. Any such programs or third-party app modifications could end up posing a risk to the whole system. If users discover a malicious message from touch in circulation, they should report it.
It's also unknown how the virus functions and whether or not a victim phone can be saved from its effects. As a result, it's best to play it safe and avoid clicking on the link altogether, particularly if it promises a Pink WhatsApp.
“Anyone can get an unexpected, uncharacteristic, or suspicious message on any service, including email, and if that happens, we highly urge people to take caution before answering or engaging,” a WhatsApp spokesperson said in a statement. We also recommend that users use the resources we have inside the app to give us a report, report a conversation, or block a contact on WhatsApp in particular.”
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SOURCE: indiatoday.in