Wee points indicate where the spacecraft and the rover parts hit the martian ground.

A high-overhead camera on the Martian surface on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter was seen by the NASA Perseverance rover.
On Feb. 23, an image of Mars showing a small, pale pitch - Perseverance - far below ground on the orbiting ExoMars, a Joint Mission of the European Space Agency and Russia's Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities. Published on 25 February by the ESA, it also displays a jetted parachute and a back shell, the heating shield, and the downhill phase powered by rockets, all of which were critical to the secure touchdown of Perseverance on 18 February.
In a statement, ESA representatives stated that ExoMars also took part in the harrowing Jezero Crater landing by Perseverance, transferring important information back to Earth that demonstrated progress in rovers.
Five years before Perseverance on Oct. 19, 2016, an ESA-Roscosmos orbiter arrived on Mars. The scientific instruments sample and analyze molecules in the Martian atmosphere so that scientists can gain a better understanding of how the ESA indicates biological or geological activities of atmospheric gases that occur in very small quantities, like methane.
The cameras in ExoMars are also supported, and Perseverance photographed from an altitude of around 249 miles by its Color and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CASSIS) (400 kilometers). The picture represents a snapshot of all the stages which Perseverance went down following the spacecraft's journey.
During the first descent, the Backshell, a small white spot on the far right of the photo, shot small shrimps to keep Perseverance going according to NASA. Another white dot is next to the back of the picture: the parachute of perseverance. When the rover slowed down to 1,000 mph, it was deployed. The heat shield separated and dropped to the ground when the parachute was opened. This shield can be seen in the photograph as a dark speck on the far right.
The next parachute was thrown away by perseverance and downhill firing engines. Once the rover came to the bottom, the connecting cables were cut and the downhill stage flew away to clear the country. It appears as a dark spot approximately halfway between the rover and the parachute and backshell.
"The orbiter will continue to offer data-related support to the NASA surface missions between Earth and Mars," said the ESA statement. The European rover Rosalind Franklin and the Russian surface platform Kazachok will also support ExoMar in 2023.
Source Space.com